The CDC is Promoting Sexual Perversion and Witchcraft to Teenagers

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is doing the opposite of what their name implies. They are actually encouraging teenagers to engage in perverted sex that spreads Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), namely Homosexuality! And on top of that, they want to further secure young souls a place in Hell by pushing Astrology and Tarot Cards … Click Here to Read more

A Black Magick Spell Was Cast Over Disney From The Beginning

The Dark Side Of Disney – Pedophilia has been conjured up! Vile perverted demons possess and are manifesting! The long criminal history of Disney’s pedophile child predators Not only is Disney full of Pedophiles, they teach and promote the Occult… the Dark Side! The Cartoons and shows they produce are full of Satanists, Witches and … Click Here to Read more

Oreo Goes Queer

Oreo Releases New Rainbow Cookies To Celebrate Partnership With LGBTQ+ Advocacy Group PFLAG That Confirms People In Their Rebellion To God  Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Groups like PFLAG, and cookie maker Oreo, are confirming lost people in their sins, telling them they are fine “just as they are”, sentencing them to an eternity apart … Click Here to Read more

Practicing BLM Witch Patrisse Cullors calls for Black Lives Matter to be a Spiritual Movement

It already IS. This is the War in the Spirit World—that has spilled over into the Physical World—and Demons are Manifesting in the Communist Anarchists Democrats!  Leviticus 20:6 “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against … Click Here to Read more

What do a Satanist an Anarchist and a Tranny all have in Common?

A Satanic Anarchist Tranny as a Sheriff—What could possibly ever go wrong? Aria DiMezzo is a man who identifies as a woman, and is currently the High Priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church in New Hampshire. Recently, he put himself on the ballot to win the GOP nomination for county sheriff, and guess what? He … Click Here to Read more

The Burger King and Ronald McDonald are Dating? They Come Out of the Cooler and Jump right into the Homosexual Fryer!

Just another in a long list of Icons shoving The LGBTQPXYZ perversion down everyone’s throat! Burger King Depicts Mascot in Gay Kiss with Ronald McDonald for New Ad Campaign Breitbart News – Burger King has launched a new advertising campaign in Finland featuring its eponymous mascot sharing a deep kiss with Ronald McDonald, along with … Click Here to Read more

Pizza-Toddlers-Pedophiles and a Hellywood Harlot

Chrissy Teigen Deletes 60K Bizarre Tweets Over Epstein Connection Allegations Harm one of the Lord’s Children and he will take away yours! Planned Murderhood Calls an Ahab and Jezebels Miscarried Child a SON! Liberal actress also blocked “over a million people” she claims have been trolling her Jamie White | News Wars – Liberal actress … Click Here to Read more

Paris Jackson Portrays Jesus as a Lesbian Woman

Michael Jackson’s Daughter to Portray Jesus as a Lesbian Woman in New Controversial Film Jon Watkins and Cynthia Pawl June 23, 2020 Controversial Film? No Blasphemous porn flick is what it will be! But this Harlot and the others who have any part in this can be forgiven! Matthew 12:31 “Wherefore I say unto you, … Click Here to Read more

Evil Manifesting out of the Fake News Rag New York Times

New York Times DEFENDS SATANIC HIGH PRIESTESS IN SHOCKING REPORT Internet universally rejected black magic witch in bizarre Microsoft ad Well of course they do. The Fake News Rag, New Your Times, is chocked full of Satanists, Luciferians, Witches, Feminists, Lesbians, Homosexuals, Abortionists, Child Predators, and Pedophiles. They love Child and Human Sacrifice! Cannibalism is … Click Here to Read more

Miley Cyrus just Thinks she has a Relationship with God

Miley Cyrus Talks Reaffirming Her Relationship With God in Coronavirus Live stream She dose NOT have a relationship with the True God nor Jesus. Her god is Lucifer and another Gospel!  2nd Corinthians 11:2-4 “For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present … Click Here to Read more

Catastrophic Signs of the Times

Buckle up folks and heed these words!