Encounter With a Feminazi on Fascist Book

I would rather deal with a Drunk or Drug Addict. When they sober up you can reason with them!! Galatians 3:1 “Oh foolish Galatians, (ATHEISTS) who hath bewitched you, (their god Baal) that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? Psalms 14:1 “The … Click Here to Read more

Practicing BLM Witch Patrisse Cullors calls for Black Lives Matter to be a Spiritual Movement

It already IS. This is the War in the Spirit World—that has spilled over into the Physical World—and Demons are Manifesting in the Communist Anarchists Democrats!  Leviticus 20:6 “And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against … Click Here to Read more

Black Lives Matter leader takes part in an Occult Ritual Dressed as a Winged Demon

Black Lives Matter Founder Takes Part in Bizarre Occult Ritual ‘Trained Marxist’ dresses as winged demon in strange art event Adan Salazar | News Wars – A bizarre video shows a prominent Black Lives Matter leader taking part in an occult ritual in which she dresses as a winged demon and prays for her incarcerated … Click Here to Read more

Satanism and Idol Worship in the Catholic Church is responsible for the Chi-Com Virus Outbreak in Italy

Also see these articles I wrote: Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus Rampant in Italy – Why? and Purgatory is Filling up Fast with the Faithful from Italy! Moloch Bringer of Plagues will be Removed as the Pope begs for Forgiveness asking Jesus to Calm the Storm See Vatican Places Giant Statue of Molech at Colosseum Entrance Article … Click Here to Read more

Catastrophic Signs of the Times

Buckle up folks and heed these words!

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

My Answer: Since the day it was first instituted by the Druids!! Anything that is attributed to the evil one and false gods has always been sick and twisted. There are NO exceptions!! Michael Snyder – Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker? The … Click Here to Read more

Churches are embracing New Age Paganism and the Occult

Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Matt Brown, founding and lead pastor of Sandals charismatic Church in Riverside, California, recently defended why he uses the Enneagram as a tool in his sermons. With each passing month, all the skinny jeans-wearing ‘pastors’ who now run the charismatic and emergent churches across America dive deeper and deeper into … Click Here to Read more

Time for Heretic Joel Osteen to Surrender His Ordination Credentials and Leave the Ministry!

He is Pushing and Deceiving Christians, or Supposed-Christians, Into a Satanic One World Religion! He has Multi-Millions, due to his Prosperity Pimping, and can live comfortable the rest of his pathetic life. So why does he continue? To help his father Lucifer draw as many to hell with him as possible! 1st John 2:16 “For … Click Here to Read more

Satan is Real!

1st Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” See also: Satan’s Origin and Doctrine Note: Links in the following writing are mine and NOT Coach Dave’s. The Devil is Real | Dave Daubenmire –  When was the last time that … Click Here to Read more

The First Annual Christian Witches Convention in Salem Massachusetts

They will teach that Jesus was a Sorcerer who ‘Performed Alchemy’ and the Bible is really just a ‘Book of Magic’ 2nd John 1:7-11 “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that … Click Here to Read more

Kwanzaa: Religious Racism and Ancestor Worship

About the founder of Kwanzaa: “A sentencing hearing transcript shows that the unidentified psychiatrist believed that the founder of Kwanzaa was “both paranoid and schizophrenic.” Matthew 15:7-9 “Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, 8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart … Click Here to Read more