Convicted sex offender Cary Jay Smith Chased Out of Multiple Cities by Angry Residents

“Rape, Torture, Kill” Sex Offender Released From CA Mental Hospital Relocates to OC City After Getting Chased Out of Multiple Cities by Angry Residents Look at this mans eyes! Typical sign of Demon Possession! Cristina Laila | Gateway Pundit – Convicted sex offender Cary Jay Smith was recently released from a California psychiatric facility after … Click Here to Read more

Will the Communist Democrat Favorite Politicians be UN-Masked?

Nasty Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Says ‘Likely’ Some Of ‘Our Fave’ Politicians ‘Implicated’ in Epstein Sex Trafficking Crime Maybe Bill Clinton with his MANY trips to Pedo Island! Jamie White | News Wars – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter issued a cryptic tweet in reaction to billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest for sex trafficking minors, suggesting … Click Here to Read more

Alabama passes bill requiring Child Molesters be Castrated

FOTM – On May 15, 2019, Alabama’s Republican governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act— America’s most restrictive anti- abortion law that makes it a felony for doctors to perform or attempt to perform an abortion in the state. The new law allows no exceptions for rape or incest but … Click Here to Read more