Colorado Public Schools now requiring Students to Role Play Child Sacrifice to Molech

IT’S HAPPENING: Colorado public schools now requiring students to role play child sacrifice “poems” as part of rape training indoctrination Mike Adams |Natural News  – The greatest challenge in covering the actual events taking place in our world today is that most people still don’t recognize the level of depravity, perversion and evil that has … Click Here to Read more

X-Furry email about the “Sick Community”

Email from an Ex-Furry Maxis I came across the article “Authorities Make Arrest In Fetish-Themed Child Predator Sex Ring“. I thought this might interest you I’m just trying to expose the true face of this sick community. Anthrocon is (as of 2019) the second-largest furry convention on the planet with 9,358 attendees in 2019. According to The City … Click Here to Read more

Satanists in Ohio Raped a Five Year Old Boy, and Many Others, in Satanic Rituals

Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Left) William Bustillos and to the right is Joseph Suder Shoebat – A circle of satanists raped a five year old boy in Cincinnati, … Click Here to Read more

Alabama passes bill requiring Child Molesters be Castrated

FOTM – On May 15, 2019, Alabama’s Republican governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act— America’s most restrictive anti- abortion law that makes it a felony for doctors to perform or attempt to perform an abortion in the state. The new law allows no exceptions for rape or incest but … Click Here to Read more

Exposing the Child Sex Rings by UN Peacekeepers

2000 allegations of sexual abuse over the past 12 years A report compiled by the Associated Press detailed nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers and other personnel over the past 12 years, yet the majority of perpetrators escaped jail time due to lax enforcement by their respective governments of origin.   According … Click Here to Read more