Albinos still at risk of being Sacrificed and having Body Parts used in Black Magic Rituals!

At least Mozambique is trying to do something! 1st Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” But if these people think that by passing a law to protect the Albino’s will cause the disciples of Satan to stop killing them, … Click Here to Read more

Along with the Rise of Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism, an increase of Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice naturally follows!

Satan, the god of this world, god of Witchcraft and Satanism, demands a Human Sacrifice. He does not care how it is done, be it via Abortion, or direct Murder!  Psalms 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, … Click Here to Read more

Bill Clinton Implicated in Satanic Child Rape Ritual

FBI Interviews Victim Alleging Bill Clinton Raped Him At Age 8 In Satanic Ritual Kelen McBreen | INFOWARS.COM – Child sex trafficking investigators, who are part of the task force looking into Jeffrey Epstein and his associates on behalf of the FBI’s New York field office and NYPD, have allegedly interviewed a man who claims … Click Here to Read more

Blood of the Young back on the Market for the Vampire Elite

Old People Can Start Infusing Children’s Blood Again See these: Blood of Young People? $8,000 will get you a Bag!  And  Blood Sucking Vampires the key to Long Life: Blood Transfusions from the Young may keep YOU Young! Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – Less than a year after the FDA warned old people against … Click Here to Read more

FBI Uncovers “Human Chop Shop” With “Frankenstein” Head Sewn To Body

“Buckets of arms and legs,” found in facility. Kelen McBreen | InfoWars – A Phoenix, Arizona company called Biological Resource Center (BRC) was a front for an alleged black market human body parts dealer who pleaded guilty to conducting an illegal enterprise. BRC advertised a service where they collect dead relatives’ remains, use them for … Click Here to Read more

NXIVM Sex Cult Master: Some Children perfectly Happy having Sex with Adults

Recording of NXIVM co-founder final piece of evidence feds use as racketeering, sex trafficking case nears end. See more articles about this Cult here Houston Chronicle – Keith Raniere told top NXIVM disciples that some small children are “perfectly happy” having sexual experiences with adults and that it is “society” that considers it abuse, according … Click Here to Read more

Alabama passes bill requiring Child Molesters be Castrated

FOTM – On May 15, 2019, Alabama’s Republican governor Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act— America’s most restrictive anti- abortion law that makes it a felony for doctors to perform or attempt to perform an abortion in the state. The new law allows no exceptions for rape or incest but … Click Here to Read more

Church Leader Charged With Child Rape, Human Trafficking & Child Porn

Mexico-based church had branches in America and more than 5 million followers Matthew 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth … Click Here to Read more

Prominent Democrats are involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery, and Satanism

Whistle blower tells all, claiming Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and other prominent Democrats are involved in human trafficking, sex slavery, and Satanism (Natural News) A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for … Click Here to Read more

Ten Albino Children Kidnapped, Six Murdered in Tanzania

Body Parts to be used in Witchcraft and Voodoo! Fox News – Tanzanian authorities say that 10 children who were kidnapped in December were found dead and were killed for their body parts. The children’s ears, teeth and “private parts” were removed, and some were missing limbs, according to published reports that cited the authorities. They … Click Here to Read more

Seagram’s Heiress among 4 that were Arrested with a Connection to the NXIVM Sex Cult

Drunkenness and Sexual Perversion seem to go hand in hand. Demons come in and possess you when you put the bottle or the shot glass to your lips. Why do you think they call hard liqour “Spirits”????? Also see  NXIVM Cult Hosted Sex Parties at Richard Branson Private Island where Obama also Partied and Clinton’s … Click Here to Read more