Vampire Attacks Police?

‘Vampire’ spits on police officer, threatens to drink his blood Komo News – Oklahoma City police were called to a 7-Eleven convenience store in response to a man who was threatening staff and customers Thursday night. The man, later identified as James Pettijohn, was allegedly asking people “if they were ready to die today.” Police … Click Here to Read more

Blood of the Young back on the Market for the Vampire Elite

Old People Can Start Infusing Children’s Blood Again See these: Blood of Young People? $8,000 will get you a Bag!  And  Blood Sucking Vampires the key to Long Life: Blood Transfusions from the Young may keep YOU Young! Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – Less than a year after the FDA warned old people against … Click Here to Read more

Vampire Cannibal Witch Cooks Blood Sausage with her own Blood!

“While the bag slowly filled up with half a liter of my blood, I stared into the distance. What would my mom think if she saw me sitting in my living room like this?” I would hope her momma is more sane than she is and knows Jesus as Lord and Savior so she is … Click Here to Read more

Vampire Cult in Austin Texas Sheds some Light into a Satanic Lair

You never know what Evil is Lurking in someones Dark Heart who is Not Born Again! The Daily Mail was given a look inside a Satanic Vampire Cult that is in Austin Texas. Below are some excerpts that reveal why a person needs to be “Born Again” to be protected from these Soul Suckers. “You … Click Here to Read more

Blood of Young People? $8,000 will get you a Bag!

Proverbs 31:30 “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised” Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that … Click Here to Read more