Satanism Takes Over Disney With Little Demon and Pauline

Hollywood is Turning Johnny Depp Into the Devil That Wants to Save Earth as God Destroys It – We’re Fighting A Spiritual Battle By Susan Duclos –  All News Pipeline “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet … Click Here to Read more

Far-Left Universities Set Up Classes To Further Indoctrinate Students Into Satanism and Witchcraft

Why not? They are just continuing the Satanic education that starts in Preschool! Actually before that with all of the satanic cartoons and other programming very young children are subjected to on TV, internet and video games! After all, the Universities are Communist institutions that are filled with teachers who are Homosexuals, Lesbians, Trannys, Witches … Click Here to Read more

Lucifers Minions Are Being Manipulated Into Sacrificing Their Own Children

Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” The US Government is urging its constituents to give their children a vaccine known to maim and kill And make NO MISTAKE, it IS … Click Here to Read more

The Game IS ON! Who Will Rule The World?

ALL that is happening right now WILL Culminate with the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! HE, Jesus, WILL defeat and crush Lucifer’s Puppet, the anti-Christ,  and his minions, who think they will rule the world! The Battle of Armageddon: It Seems Putin Has Been Reading the Book! The … Click Here to Read more

Is The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History A Failure?

The world is one BIG Laboratory for the Mad Luciferian Scientists! This “Experiment” is NOT a failure. It IS killing Millions. It is a failure in that they want Billions, perhaps Trillions to die. They won’t stop until the LORD Stops them!!! The Luciferian’s Are Not Happy: The Poison JAB Is NOT Killing Off the … Click Here to Read more

Small Pox or Ebola: Which Plague will be Weaponized and RELEASED on Humanity Next?

Or will it be another one they have Weaponized at the ready? Back in 1999 they dug up Bodies in Alaska to get the Spanish Flu. Has it been Weaponized?  Six unearthed bodies yield clues to 1918 Spanish influenza outbreak; Frozen corpses found in Norwegian Arctic help scientists study virus The China Virus, Covid19, was … Click Here to Read more

There IS No Doubt The Travis Scott Concert Was Indeed A Satanic Ritual

At least for those of US with Spiritual Discernment know it was! See companion video at the end. 1st Corinthians 2:14-16 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he that is … Click Here to Read more

The Luciferians Are Coming After The Children

They could not Sacrifice them in the Womb to their god Lucifer, so they are doing it in the open with their poison vaccines! Like the tyrants of old, Resident Biden has no qualms about forcibly vaccinating America’s children with a bio weapon that has increased covid among the vaccinated. And as the numbers of … Click Here to Read more

Brazilian President Warns of Population Control

Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!! Georgia Guide Stones Brazil’s Bolsonaro Unchained: ‘If You Accept … Click Here to Read more

Just a Few of the Devils Disciples: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We must walk though the Darkness before we see the light Ben Garrison Cartoon Luciferian’s from Left to Right: Gavin Newsom, about to be ex … Click Here to Read more

The French are BLOCKED from BUYING FOOD if they do not have the COVID Mark of the Beast Passport

What do Tyrants and Luciferian’s do? They STARVE you into submission! The Brown Shirts will soon be doing the same thing here in America. They already do it in Australia Video out of France shows desperate shoppers being blocked from entering a supermarket by police because they don’t have COVID passports. The footage shows residents, … Click Here to Read more