Now Microsoft Is Making Sure You Are Condemned to Hell

The next thing that will crop up are Entities being downloaded into the Sex Robots. Have sex with Marylin Monroe will be prime time advertisement! “The specific person [who the chat bot represents] may correspond to a past or present entity (or a version thereof), such as a friend, a relative, an acquaintance, a celebrity, … Click Here to Read more

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World “Your smart speaker could become a smart spooker” – Ruki Sayid.   Alexi has a new program called ‘GHOST BOT” that could allow your dead loved ones to speak to you from the grave and beyond.  And if you fall for the deception, those spirits … Click Here to Read more

Necromancy – Channeling – Praying or Speaking to the Dead

If you are praying to dead people, You are NOT in contact with a lost loved one or someone who died hundreds of years ago. What you are in contact with, and praying to, are fallen angels, demons and even Satan himself! When a person dies, their Soul and Spirit are in one of two … Click Here to Read more