Satanism and Atheism is the Religious Force Behind Transgenderism

Why are women are the number one enemy of the coming Technocracy? Because GOD Said: Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize … Click Here to Read more

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World “Your smart speaker could become a smart spooker” – Ruki Sayid.   Alexi has a new program called ‘GHOST BOT” that could allow your dead loved ones to speak to you from the grave and beyond.  And if you fall for the deception, those spirits … Click Here to Read more

Soul Phone: Dial up 666 the Devil and his Demons Part 4

We are on our way to the fictional world of the Borg! See Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 also Just after I finished part 3, I was going through some links I needed to post in the News Alert. What is posted below from Now the End Begins and fits right in with where … Click Here to Read more