Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World

Amazon’s Alexa Is About to Connect You With the Spirit World “Your smart speaker could become a smart spooker” – Ruki Sayid.   Alexi has a new program called ‘GHOST BOT” that could allow your dead loved ones to speak to you from the grave and beyond.  And if you fall for the deception, those spirits … Click Here to Read more

Necromancy – Channeling – Praying or Speaking to the Dead

If you are praying to dead people, You are NOT in contact with a lost loved one or someone who died hundreds of years ago. What you are in contact with, and praying to, are fallen angels, demons and even Satan himself! When a person dies, their Soul and Spirit are in one of two … Click Here to Read more

A Hi-Tech or Ancient form of the Ouija Board still contacts Demons

21st Century Spiritualism: Researcher Develops Hi-Tech Ouija Board Tracking System Dr. Eckhard Kruse, an applied computer scientist at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Germany, has now created a camera- and software-based system that can serve as a tool for future Ouija research.  See more here Do not mess with the Ouija Board, any other instrument, … Click Here to Read more

Practicing Witch put on Staff at Supposed Christian Church

Just another Silly Woman laden with Sin! Vision Church of Atlanta adds psychic medium to ministerial staff Christian Post – The Vision Church of Atlanta, Georgia, a progressive congregation, has added a psychic medium who claims to commune with the dead to their staff. Deuteronomy 18:10 -11-12 “There shall not be found among you any … Click Here to Read more

What do Creepy Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary Clinton and Nasty Nancy Pelosi have in Common?

Besides all three being No good lousy Stinking Communist Democrats — all three practice Witchcraft — Necromancy!!! He says it was a “Freudian slip”, but was it? Joe Biden says ‘Margaret Thatcher’ called him with concerns about Trump! Joe Biden is so popular among world leaders, he’s having a hard time keeping them all straight. … Click Here to Read more

Nasty Nancy Pelosi is a Practicing Catholic Witch

Oh you don’t think there is such a thing as a Catholic Witch ? Best think again! She is just like her cohort Crooked Hillary Clinton , she is a Necromancer and practices Witchcraft! She is also in an exclusive club of the Wicked Witches of the West, that includes Mad Maxine Waters, Dirty Dianne … Click Here to Read more

Witchcraft in the Classroom

Wisconsin Teacher Placed on Leave After Using Ouija Board in Kindergarten Class MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — A public school teacher in Wisconsin has been placed on leave after using an Ouija board in her kindergarten classroom. The incident occurred at Zablocki Elementary in Milwaukee last week, although the teacher, who has not been identified, says that … Click Here to Read more

Hillary Clinton’s Witchcraft Part 1

Hillary Clinton is a Witch and a Luciferian! Introduction proving the claims of Witchcraft Part 1 Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” Leviticus 20:6 – And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and … Click Here to Read more

Ouija Board

The Ouija Board is one of Satan’s tools Deuteronomy 18:9-13 When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through … Click Here to Read more