Houston Texas: Another Drag Queen Story Hour Member Exposed as Pedophile, Investigation Shows

Drag queen with multiple aliases was convicted of child sex crimes It is no longer Space City, it is Drag Queen City! Is Houston Texas being turned into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah? These Filthy, Perverted, Reprobate Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) are all over America and the rest of the world! We are literally a … Click Here to Read more

What One Generation ALLOWS in Moderation, the Next WILL PRACTICE it in EXCESS

Drag Queen Festival in Austin Promotes Early Sexual/Gender Confusion Rainbow Snatch goes undercover to reveal how children are being indoctrinated into fetish lifestyles. Infowars reporter Millie Weaver goes undercover as ‘Rainbow Snatch’ to the Austin International Drag Festival to investigate how children are being over-sexualized and indoctrinated into fetish lifestyles. The drag festival was sated … Click Here to Read more

Sexual Deviates parade Eight Year Old Drag Queen

If Your Parents Won’t Let You Do Drag, ‘You Need New Parents’

MONTREAL, Canada — A video of an eight-year-old boy who performs in drag has gone viral, with the child advising during the interview that if one’s parents will not allow them to be a drag queen, “you need new parents.”

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Public Libraries Hosting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Children

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — “Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?” That’s the question a man dressed as a woman recently asked children attending “ Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) at a public library in New York.

Since last fall, the Brooklyn Public Library in Park Slope has been offering the storytime for children, bringing in various drag queens to read children’s books about homosexuality, gender identity and “non-conformity,” and “general youth discomfort.”

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