Satanism and Atheism is the Religious Force Behind Transgenderism

Why are women are the number one enemy of the coming Technocracy? Because GOD Said: Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize … Click Here to Read more

What do a Satanist an Anarchist and a Tranny all have in Common?

A Satanic Anarchist Tranny as a Sheriff—What could possibly ever go wrong? Aria DiMezzo is a man who identifies as a woman, and is currently the High Priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church in New Hampshire. Recently, he put himself on the ballot to win the GOP nomination for county sheriff, and guess what? He … Click Here to Read more

Catastrophic Signs of the Times

Buckle up folks and heed these words!

Twitter Loves Trannys: Will Ban if YOU say it is a Mental Disorder

Twitter Declines to Say If People Can Post That ‘Transsexualism’ is a ‘Mental Disorder’ “Transsexualism and milder forms of gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder.” CNS News – Twitter recently locked the account of esteemed sexual psychologist Ray Blanchard, Ph.D.–apparently for posting that “transsexualism” and “gender dysphoria are types of mental disorder”–and then unlocked … Click Here to Read more

Really Stupid Tranny Chops Off his own Penis and Testicles to ‘become a Nullo’

The good news is he won’t be able to reproduce and pass that perversion and stupidity on to the next generation!! The Sun – Trent Gates, 23, from Washington DC, identifies as ‘non-binary’ and claims he still enjoys sex with his boyfriend following the grisly castration. He cut off his todger in April 2016 after … Click Here to Read more

Houston Texas: Another Drag Queen Story Hour Member Exposed as Pedophile, Investigation Shows

Drag queen with multiple aliases was convicted of child sex crimes It is no longer Space City, it is Drag Queen City! Is Houston Texas being turned into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah? These Filthy, Perverted, Reprobate Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) are all over America and the rest of the world! We are literally a … Click Here to Read more

Reprobate Tranny’s gone Wild

‘It’s Ma’am!’ 2.0: ANOTHER Transgender Freaks Out After Being ‘Misgendered’ ****Warning for vial language on video clips and text**** Folk’s, if you want to know what it means to be given over to a Reprobate mind, this is it! It is also a good representation of Demon Possession. It is sad these people are in … Click Here to Read more

Tranny goes Berserk in Store after Clerk calls HIM Sir!

Paul Watson – A transgender went nuts in a store because an employee “misgendered” him by calling the biological man “sir” in a confrontation that was caught on video.The clip shows the transgender demanding his “fucking money back” before a woman off camera refers to the individual as a “young man”. “Excuse me, it’s ma’am, … Click Here to Read more

Are the Boy Scouts about to fade into Oblivion?

Mark my words, a new Scouting experience will rise. It won’t be long until they merge the Boy Scouts and  Girl Scouts, RENAMING them the TRANS_SCOUTS? That is sad because I love those Girl Scout thin mints! They will find a way to meld all those cookie into something else and screw them up too! … Click Here to Read more

The “MAN” who Killed three co-workers at the Rite-Aid Center in Maryland was REALLY a WOMAN!

Tranny shooter complained of feeling ‘alienated’ and ‘wanting to pick a fight’ and had “Mental Problems”  Opened fire at Rite Aid distribution center killing three co-workers before committing suicide Romans 1:22-28 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible … Click Here to Read more

Satan Alive and Well in July 2018

Woman in Peru Murdered in Satanic Ritual by Her Three Adult Daughters  PJ Media _ A Peruvian woman has reportedly been brutally murdered by her three adult daughters in a satanic ritual. The 75-year-old Teodora Quispe Ccayllahua’s body was found in her home by police. Ccayllahua’s head and intestines were missing. The police later arrested … Click Here to Read more