Houston Texas: Another Drag Queen Story Hour Member Exposed as Pedophile, Investigation Shows

Drag queen with multiple aliases was convicted of child sex crimes It is no longer Space City, it is Drag Queen City! Is Houston Texas being turned into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah? These Filthy, Perverted, Reprobate Bastards (Hebrews 12:8) are all over America and the rest of the world! We are literally a … Click Here to Read more

Black Widow Woman: Men should only be used as “human sacrifice”.

Dressed as a Clown to terrorize and then stabbed him repeatedly Telegraph UK – A young mother has been jailed for 11 years for stabbing her occasional boyfriend as they has sexual intercourse after texting him to say men should only be used as “human sacrifice”.  Zoe Adams, 19, has dressed up as a clown … Click Here to Read more

Australian Pedophile Circus School: Members Performed Satanic Sadistic Blood and Sex Rituals on three Young Boys

Excerpts the Sun UK – Members of a circus have been charged with sadistic sexual and physical torture of children. Seven members of the western Sydney circus training school were arrested over abuse of three boys under the age of eight. Four women, two men, and a teenage girl will face 127 charges relating to the … Click Here to Read more

Shakes the Creepy Clown Groped Women at Haunted Barn

Look at the eyes of this Clown. It’s the wide-eyed stare that is a telling sign of Demon Possession. I predict that if they do not lock the man up and get him some real help through the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, he will rape and/or murder someone! See the Series Send in the … Click Here to Read more

Holy Land Plagued by Creep Clowns

Israeli police detain dozens in horror clown craze Jerusalem (AFP) – Israeli police said Monday they were on the lookout for teenagers in clown masks after fears the craze would cause violent reactions from those being frightened, with dozens already detained. “Police operations are continuing in different areas to protect public places and prevent further … Click Here to Read more

Creepy Clowns March on Washington

See the Series Send in the Clowns that explains why these weirdo’s do the things they do!

People dressed as clowns have been lurking in cinemas to see IT… and viewers are freaking out

The Juggalos don’t want to be called a gang – so they marched on Washington

Excerpts: LA Times – A mass of people with red noses and faces covered in white paint descended Saturday on Washington. They hoisted signs declaring “Clown Lives Matter” and posters decorated with doctored images of President Trump.

Also highly visible were numerous images of a wild-haired man wielding a hatchet. One was plastered on an American flag.

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Creepy Clowns threaten Australians

Clown Hysteria Grips Australian Media After Group Vows to Descend on Suburbs

See the Series Send in the Clowns

SYDNEY, Australia — “We’re coming back for you,” a post on Facebook warned. The purported threat? To send in the clowns.

If Australian news outlets and social media are to be believed, “20,000 anonymous clowns” are plotting a reign of terror.

The clowns — grown-ups in face paint and giant shoes — have threatened to do little beyond show up late at night in a handful of suburbs and look scary. However, the local news media has breathlessly described the group as “a chilling threat” and “creepy clown fanatics.”

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Denver Man wearing Clown Makeup and wearing Gloves with Blades accused of killing man

Suspect tells cops dead man may have fallen on one of the spiked bracelets he was wearing

See the series Send in the Clowns

Excerpts Denver Post – Denver police have arrested a man who was wearing clown makeup when he allegedly stabbed and slashed a 29-year-old man to death with a glove that had blades attached to the end of each finger.

Christian Lee Guzlow, 36, allegedly attacked the victim at 12:49 a.m. Tuesday following an argument […]

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