Cuban Witch-doctors Sacrifice Birds in Santeria Ritual Seeking Protection from the Chi-Comm Coronavirus

1st Corinthians 10:20 “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” After reading this, go read these: Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism and Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism … Click Here to Read more

Mexican Witch Doctor says Trump’s wall is not happening

His daddy Lucifer is whispering lies in his ear! Just like the Clowns that call themselves Prophets and Prophetess in the Evangelical world, they have a very low percentage of their predictions coming to pass. Don’t listen to them as they will drag you to Hell along with them! As Donald Trump said Friday he … Click Here to Read more

Satanists drink girl’s blood and decorate ‘satanic altar’ with man’s skull after Sacrificing four

The Satanists lured their four victims by promising a booze-fuelled party and carried out Satanic Rituals after murdering them! Mirror UK – Iguatu Brazil -Devil worshippers slaughtered four people in satanic rituals believing human sacrifices would give them with mystic powers, money and control over women, it is claimed. The three killers drank a victim’s … Click Here to Read more

Animal Sacrifice in West Bexar County Texas

No, this is NOT a group of Pentecostals speaking in Tongues, as I am sure someone will try and spin it! It was a Demon Spirit manifesting due to the Sacrifice, the spilling of blood to their false gods. Seeing the list of names listed below are all Hispanic, I am sure it was a … Click Here to Read more

Drug Lords still embracing the Occult, Witchcraft, Satanism and Human Sacrifice

Mexican folk religion involving human sacrifice gaining status among criminals Let’s begin in 1989 and come current. Mark Kilroy  was a victim of this type of Mexican folk religion. He was murdered in 1989 in Matamoros Mexico by Cult Member Drug lords who thought their rituals of human sacrifice would make them invincible. Texas Attorney … Click Here to Read more

Illegal Kills Husband and 4 of her Children – Demons Manifest in Court

Video of Isabel Martinez court hearing shows her to be a Catholic. Those Catholic demons manifest as she is recorded laughing and smiling! She gets on her knees and prays to those Demons that she worships. I would almost bet she worships the death saint Santa Muerte! Excerpts Gwinnett Daily Post – The illegal immigrant … Click Here to Read more

Satanic El Salvador MS-13 Gang members kidnapped, drugged and raped a 14-year-old Houston girl

Sacrificed another Girl to appease insulted Demon This Satanic Trash is everywhere and you MUST open your eyes and stop denying that there is NO problem people! “Gang leader called himself ‘Diabolical’ and kept a Satanic shrine” I guarantee you these scumbags are members of the Santeria Cult and the Shrine was a Statue of … Click Here to Read more

Rapper Azealia Banks is a Black Magick, Animal Sacrificing Witch!

Azealia Banks shocks the internet by posting video of ‘blood-stained’ room she uses for ‘ witchcraft’ The American rapper announced she used the closet for witchcraft Mirror December 30, 2016 – Azealia Banks has left fans shocked after posting a video of her cleaning the blood-stained room she ‘uses for witchcraft’. In an Instagram video, … Click Here to Read more