More Than One Thousand Two Hundred Medical Conditions CAUSED by The Luciferians Kill Shot!

It is NOT a Vaccine if you don’t already know! It is meant to alter your DNA and make you into a TransHuman! To Save the Planet, Kill 90 Percent of People Off, Says UT Ecologist CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers In this video a Bayer Executive Brags … Click Here to Read more

What’s Inside of YOU? The Eyes are the Window to the Soul

There are 2 possibilities. The Holy Spirit of God, which comes and dwells inside of you when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or an UN-holy spirit, aka a demon! There is only Light, Good…, or Darkness, Evil! Matthew 6:22-23 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be … Click Here to Read more

Is The Largest Experiment On Human Beings In History A Failure?

The world is one BIG Laboratory for the Mad Luciferian Scientists! This “Experiment” is NOT a failure. It IS killing Millions. It is a failure in that they want Billions, perhaps Trillions to die. They won’t stop until the LORD Stops them!!! The Luciferian’s Are Not Happy: The Poison JAB Is NOT Killing Off the … Click Here to Read more

Small Pox or Ebola: Which Plague will be Weaponized and RELEASED on Humanity Next?

Or will it be another one they have Weaponized at the ready? Back in 1999 they dug up Bodies in Alaska to get the Spanish Flu. Has it been Weaponized?  Six unearthed bodies yield clues to 1918 Spanish influenza outbreak; Frozen corpses found in Norwegian Arctic help scientists study virus The China Virus, Covid19, was … Click Here to Read more

Brazilian President Warns of Population Control

Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!! Georgia Guide Stones Brazil’s Bolsonaro Unchained: ‘If You Accept … Click Here to Read more

Homosexual Cannibals Arrested in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Cannibals Arrested For Running Castration Clinic Endorse Biden For President Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Two alleged cannibals who were arrested this week for running a black market “castration clinic” in Oklahoma have endorsed Democrat nominee Joe Biden for president. Earlier this week, the happily married couple – Bobby Lee Allen, 53, and … Click Here to Read more

Robert the Demon Possessed Doll!

People are apologizing to a ‘cursed’ doll named Robert to ward off bad luck! But you should never apologize to the Devil or anything his Demons Possess. No, you rebuke them, and cast them out in the Name of Jesus and His Precious Shed Blood! You pull out your Sword, the Word of God, and … Click Here to Read more

Along with the Rise of Witchcraft, Black Magic and Satanism, an increase of Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice naturally follows!

Satan, the god of this world, god of Witchcraft and Satanism, demands a Human Sacrifice. He does not care how it is done, be it via Abortion, or direct Murder!  Psalms 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, … Click Here to Read more

Scientist want Humans to become Cannibals to Save the Planet!

Swedish Behavioral Scientist Suggests Eating Humans to ‘Save the Planet’ The “food of the future” may be dead bodies. See these: Cannibalism Cannibalism Part 2 Training Children to be Cannibals Cannibal Daughter will Eat Mother on Christmas day! Edible Brother: First Cannibalism Restaurant in the World opens in Japan One step closer to Soylent Green? … Click Here to Read more

Florida School for Boys: Was it a Sanctuary for Satanists and Pedophiles?

“After passage of resolutions by both houses of the legislature, on April 26, 2017, the state held a formal ceremony to apologize personally to two dozen survivors of the school and to families of other victims.” Source It is very possible that government officials and law enforcement were involved due to the cover up of … Click Here to Read more

One step closer to Soylent Green? Washington State is about to Legalize Human Composting

Having a friend or loved-one over for dinner has literally taken on new meaning! You may be wondering, “What is “Soylent Green”? If you do not know keep reading. Oh, but if you have just eaten, you may want to wait a bit before reading and “Digesting” (pun intended) this article! Washington residents “are very … Click Here to Read more