Black Lives Matter is Run by Three Lesbian Witches

The video compilation below shows nationally-syndicated radio host Bishop Larry Gaiters exposing the West African Odu Ifa witchcraft practiced by the founders and leaders of Black Lives Matter. Look Folks, this stuff IS REAL. Get your head out of your backside and pray in Jesus’ name against these people. They are directing the Principalities, Powers … Click Here to Read more

African Voodoo and Witchcraft being Mimicked in Hospitals across America and Europe

Nurses perform the Nidingi with a Plastic Wrapped Dead Body in Hospital Wrapped body is labeled “COVID-19” paraded through hospital corridor Ignorance has just invited the Grime Reaper and Demons into that Hospital! I would suspect, according to the info below, that those who participated are now Demon Possessed.  If you think this is funny … Click Here to Read more

Cuban Witch-doctors Sacrifice Birds in Santeria Ritual Seeking Protection from the Chi-Comm Coronavirus

1st Corinthians 10:20 “But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.” After reading this, go read these: Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism and Santeria: A mix of African Voodoo and Catholicism … Click Here to Read more

Voodoo and Witchcraft could be the reason for a rise in Murder, Rapes and Assaults in the Dominican Republic

Are Voodoo And Witchcraft To Blame For The Unprecedented Rise Of Murder, Rapes And Assaults Happening Now In The Dominican Republic? “There is something … something dirty at the bottom of all of this,” Nieves told news station WTXF. “She was 51 years of age, relatively healthy, no reason for her to go on vacation and … Click Here to Read more