True Ott, a former Mormon excommunicated from the LDS church, woke up one morning at his Cedar City, Utah, home to find a large red cross or X painted on his doorstep.
Generational, Ancestral and Family Curses. What are they and do they really exist? Numbers 14:18 ‘The LORD is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generations.’ In … Click Here to Read more
True Ott, a former Mormon excommunicated from the LDS church, woke up one morning at his Cedar City, Utah, home to find a large red cross or X painted on his doorstep.
Azealia Banks shocks the internet by posting video of ‘blood-stained’ room she uses for ‘ witchcraft’ The American rapper announced she used the closet for witchcraft Mirror December 30, 2016 – Azealia Banks has left fans shocked after posting a video of her cleaning the blood-stained room she ‘uses for witchcraft’. In an Instagram video, … Click Here to Read more
Zimbabwe December 2016 – A pastor is fighting for his life after he was poisoned by his son. Mr David Dambuka of Gutu is now bedridden and his condition is deteriorating. The son poisoned him after being initiated into satanism by a teacher at his school.
Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Are you subject to these evil forces that are all around us? Do you unknowingly give into them? There is a way to stop them … Click Here to Read more
By their Fruits you shall know them – Part 1 Only in America do we use the word ‘politics’ to describe the process so well: ‘Poli’ in Latin means ‘many’; ‘tics’ means ‘bloodsucking creatures’.Quote from Biblebelievers.org -Illuminati and the CFR Jon Watkins ExposingSatanism.org August 30, 2015 —- Hate mail or questions here Cynthia Pawl contributed, … Click Here to Read more
Pan follower says that he has been wearing the horns since 2009 after a friend’s goat died and no one laid claim to its horns.
Christian News December 19, 2016 – A Maine man who identifies himself as a “priest of Pan” has been granted the right to wear horns on his head for his identification photo because of his assertion that the horns are a part of his religious attire.
Attempt to ward off ‘bad luck’ following deadly crash
(BBC NEWS) Pakistan’s national airline has been mocked after a goat was sacrificed to ward off bad luck following one of the country’s worst air disasters.
Signs and Symbols of Witchcraft and the New Age You can be saved from Satan’s Snare. Find out how Here Categorized Signs and Symbols are at these links Satanism Gothic Vampirism Witchcraft Paganism New Age Masons Secret Clubs Catholicism Voodoo Racism Racist groups False Religion – Cults Communism Socialism Antifa BLM Native American Indian … Click Here to Read more