A Lair of Satanic Democrats in Arizona

Arizona Democrats Send Demonic Literature Complete with Ouija Board Attacking Blake Masters’ Stance On Abortion Jordan Conradson | Gateway Pundit The Democratic Party of Arizona recently sent out a truly demonic mail flyer attacking Trump-Endorsed US Senate Candidate Blake Masters and proving that they are the party of Satan. Using an Ouija Board, the Democrats … Click Here to Read more

Dirty Dianne Feinstein: Your Papers Please

Dirty Democrat Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill To Require COVID Vaccination In Order To Fly Domestically ‘Papers please’ legislation introduced by Senator who was caught several times breaking mask mandate she endorsed   Democrat Communist Senator Dirty Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation that would see Americans forced to be vaccinated or to provide a negative COVID … Click Here to Read more

Lucifer and His Minions Attack on America

Satan attacks his final target: America   Kari Lee Fournier – Suddenly, the world has changed. It seems surreal, and this transformation happened overnight. A pandemic comes onto the world scene, and license is given to run the world a certain way. The globalist way. The Progressive, secular way. Why is this happening? And what … Click Here to Read more

Clergy Response Teams: Can You Trust Your Apostate Judas Pastor?

So many of them are really anti-Christ’s and Wolves in Sheep’s clothing you just don’t know. “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”– C.H. Spurgeon If they are preaching feel good massages, i.e. the Social Gospel, always talk of Prosperity and Money, never … Click Here to Read more