Robert the Demon Possessed Doll!

People are apologizing to a ‘cursed’ doll named Robert to ward off bad luck! But you should never apologize to the Devil or anything his Demons Possess. No, you rebuke them, and cast them out in the Name of Jesus and His Precious Shed Blood! You pull out your Sword, the Word of God, and … Click Here to Read more

African Voodoo and Witchcraft being Mimicked in Hospitals across America and Europe

Nurses perform the Nidingi with a Plastic Wrapped Dead Body in Hospital Wrapped body is labeled “COVID-19” paraded through hospital corridor Ignorance has just invited the Grime Reaper and Demons into that Hospital! I would suspect, according to the info below, that those who participated are now Demon Possessed.  If you think this is funny … Click Here to Read more

Coven Member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Witching Hour

AOC Says She’s Awakened at 3:30 AM Scared Because of Climate Change… NOT! PJ Media – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a warrior for Planet Earth. Like ancient knights of old who battled dragons and monsters in glorious single combat to determine the fate of the kingdom, so, too, does AOC gird her loins and enter … Click Here to Read more

Roseanne Barr has MPD and is Demon Possessed

Roseanne Barr is suffering from a medical term called MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder. The Bible calls it Demon Possession! Mark 5:1-7 “And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. 2 And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the … Click Here to Read more

Katheryn Hudson: The Core Personality Fighting Back! Katy Perry is an Ancestral Demon!

See Katy Perry Update: February 11, 2018 “The shrink, Dr. Siri Singh, can’t help Katheryn Hudson, he only reinforced the Ancestral Demon Katy Perry and did not cast it and it’s minions out!” Contrary to popular belief, parents DO NOT pick a name for their child. When you are conceived, God gives you a name … Click Here to Read more

Katy Perry: ‘I Did More’ Than Just Kiss a Girl During Christian Upbringing

Katy Perry opened up about her religious upbringing during the Human Rights Campaign’s annual gala dinner in Los Angles Saturday night, explaining that she felt “curious” about her sexuality while attending Christian youth groups as a child. While accepting the evening’s National Equality Award, the 32-year-old “Roar” singer — who was raised by two pastors … Click Here to Read more

Katy Perry Rejects Christianity

She does not believe Heaven and Hell exist, but believes in a Higher Power? Yea and that higher power is the god of this world system… Satan! Jon Watkins  Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft  January 3, 2014 Are you one of those Katy Perry worshipers? If you are, then you are not going to like what … Click Here to Read more