The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend

When the Globalists, Radical Leftists, Satanists, and that Sort of Ilk has got your back, you know you are on the wrong side! Proverbs 4:25-27 “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. 26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. 27 Turn … Click Here to Read more

The Game IS ON! Who Will Rule The World?

ALL that is happening right now WILL Culminate with the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! HE, Jesus, WILL defeat and crush Lucifer’s Puppet, the anti-Christ,  and his minions, who think they will rule the world! The Battle of Armageddon: It Seems Putin Has Been Reading the Book! The … Click Here to Read more

The Federal Reserve is Testing the Mark of the Beast System

Make no mistake about it. The Greedy Global Bankers are working in unison with their master Lucifer to control the whole world and bring humanity into submission by Usury! 1st Timothy 6:7-10 “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us … Click Here to Read more

Brazilian President Warns of Population Control

Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!! Georgia Guide Stones Brazil’s Bolsonaro Unchained: ‘If You Accept … Click Here to Read more

The Depopulation Weapon Exposed Special Report

Every dam protecting liberties, human rights, and the rule of law has burst. The crimes of globalism are pouring in from every direction.   Every dam protecting liberties, human rights, and the rule of law has burst. Many have become guinea pigs and submitted their will to a hierarchy of elite assassins posing as their … Click Here to Read more

Warning: The Great Culling IS Here

Steve Quayle Issues Emergency Warning: The Great Culling is Here Steve Quayle of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the globalists’ plan for lock-down and The Great Reset is about depopulating the earth. Big Pharma’s Rape of all Mankind The powers that be are obsessed with putting something inside of us … Click Here to Read more

The Diabolical Depopulation Agenda Is Fully Underway

More Evidence The Diabolical Depopulation Agenda Is Fully Underway With Many Getting Sick And Dying Following ‘The Shot’ Georgia Guide Stones Also see: The Great Reset: The New World Order – ‘Super Mutations’ Render ‘Vaccines’ Useless, Except As A Weapon Against Humanity By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die While … Click Here to Read more

Dark Winter: Sinister Plan to Use a Biological Weapon Attack to Depopulate the Planet

All of this Covid-19 Lock Down Crap is just a ploy to Gaslight and Mind Control the whole planet. It is a Witchcraft Spell to bring you under control and submission—to those who believe they are gods! Covid-19 is just a trial run to get humanity conditioned to be enslaved. The frog in a pot … Click Here to Read more

Lucifer and His Minions Attack on America

Satan attacks his final target: America   Kari Lee Fournier – Suddenly, the world has changed. It seems surreal, and this transformation happened overnight. A pandemic comes onto the world scene, and license is given to run the world a certain way. The globalist way. The Progressive, secular way. Why is this happening? And what … Click Here to Read more

More Proof Nasty Nancy Pelosi is a Practicing Witch and the Author of Paganism is her god

This Radical Feminist Witch is just about as Evil as they come. This Jezebel hides in plain sight, just as all wolves in sheep’s clothing do, with the cloak of religion, Catholicism,  draped over her putrid flesh! Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more … Click Here to Read more

Snakes in the Grass: Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, Bill Gates and Many other Serpents!

Dr. Anthony Fauci is Stumping for Big Pharma, Bill Gates’ Mandatory Vaccine, and The Mark of the Beast System Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every … Click Here to Read more