Will the Anti-Christ And His Mark Of The Beast Rise Out Of The World Economic Forum?

If the video below is any indication…, the answer is YES! The next phase is surveillance going under our skin. Yuval Noah Harari is the lead advisor for Klaus Schwab, the author of The Great Reset and founder of The World Economic Forum. Will you accept the mark? Mark Of The Beast – Listen to … Click Here to Read more

The Wait Is Over: No Longer Coming—It IS Here!

Well it’s here. Won’t be long before Satan possesses the Anti-Christ who is alive and waiting to be heralded by the False Prophet Pope! Best make sure you’re Born Again and your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life!

Satanism and Atheism is the Religious Force Behind Transgenderism

Why are women are the number one enemy of the coming Technocracy? Because GOD Said: Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Women are the givers of life and are critical to humanity’s life cycle, which is why the Satanic technocracy is using transgender ideology to dehumanize … Click Here to Read more

The Game IS ON! Who Will Rule The World?

ALL that is happening right now WILL Culminate with the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! HE, Jesus, WILL defeat and crush Lucifer’s Puppet, the anti-Christ,  and his minions, who think they will rule the world! The Battle of Armageddon: It Seems Putin Has Been Reading the Book! The … Click Here to Read more

The Federal Reserve is Testing the Mark of the Beast System

Make no mistake about it. The Greedy Global Bankers are working in unison with their master Lucifer to control the whole world and bring humanity into submission by Usury! 1st Timothy 6:7-10 “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us … Click Here to Read more

Pi Π Is Next on the Greek Alphabet: The Attempted Destruction of Humanity Will Go On and On and On

I believe something BIG is planned for March 2022! John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” As we know the rulers of this world love their NUMBERS/Math and they LOVE … Click Here to Read more

The Globalists are Anti Human and are Readying Themselves for a Post-Human World

The Good News? Prophecy is on schedule, Jesus is coming soon, and Hell awaits the Globalists and Minions of the NWO The psychotic elite have unleashed their minions upon humanity. And as art imitates life and vice versa. These minions, drunk with power, never fail to brag about the demonic mission that they will eventually … Click Here to Read more

Brazilian President Warns of Population Control

Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!! Georgia Guide Stones Brazil’s Bolsonaro Unchained: ‘If You Accept … Click Here to Read more

Klaus Schwab Calls for Mark of the BEAST

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab called for a mandatory global health pass in the form of implantable microchips within 10 years. In a 2016 interview that’s now gaining national attention, Schwab, also the founder of the globalist Great Reset agenda, explained that within a decade humanity will be required to have implantable microchips to … Click Here to Read more

The Depopulation Weapon Exposed Special Report

Every dam protecting liberties, human rights, and the rule of law has burst. The crimes of globalism are pouring in from every direction.   Every dam protecting liberties, human rights, and the rule of law has burst. Many have become guinea pigs and submitted their will to a hierarchy of elite assassins posing as their … Click Here to Read more

Warning: The Great Culling IS Here

Steve Quayle Issues Emergency Warning: The Great Culling is Here Steve Quayle of http://gen6giants.com joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the globalists’ plan for lock-down and The Great Reset is about depopulating the earth. Big Pharma’s Rape of all Mankind The powers that be are obsessed with putting something inside of us … Click Here to Read more