Christian Witches: The Tares among the Wheat

This is a 3 part series – Introduction Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Can there be such a Creature as a Christian Witch? Can a person who claims to be a Christian believe in and practice Witchcraft? Does the Bible in any shape, form or fashion……., condone or promote Witchcraft, Idolatry or any other … Click Here to Read more

Vampire Cult in Austin Texas Sheds some Light into a Satanic Lair

You never know what Evil is Lurking in someones Dark Heart who is Not Born Again! The Daily Mail was given a look inside a Satanic Vampire Cult that is in Austin Texas. Below are some excerpts that reveal why a person needs to be “Born Again” to be protected from these Soul Suckers. “You … Click Here to Read more

CBS Strange Angel, Babalon Working, Spirit Cooking, the Podestas, Marina Abramovic, Hillary Clinton and the connection to Occult Sex Magic

Tom Horn has been revealing about Wikileaks and JBL founder Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard as disciples of Aliester Crowley and his Satanic teaching called Thelema. Learn how this seems to be shockingly connected to “Spirit Cooking” ceremonies by the Podestas, Marina Abramovic, and a possible Hillary Clinton connection to occult sex … Click Here to Read more

Suicide: Part of Lucifer’s Catechism and Doctrine! It’s the Real Reason behind the Act!

Why would a Person who seemingly has everything going for them, Fame and Fortune, HANG themselves? It is NOT a hard thing to identify who is behind the act of Suicide by Hanging, unless you are Biblically Ignorant! This is NOT rocket science as the talking heads on Fake News would have you to believe. … Click Here to Read more

Black Magic Exorcist Witch Lizzy Rose in the news again! Has trouble casting out demon

It took her 10 hrs to supposedly cast out the demon! Now if it were Me or another Anointed Child of GOD who is called doing it, it would only have taken a matter of minutes and no harm with NO or VERY LITTLE Demonic Manifestation taking place! As stated in a previous post about … Click Here to Read more

Oprah Winfrey Part 2: What god does she Worship?

When Oprah calls on God, who is she invoking? What god does she worship? Let’s take a look at how Oprah claims her beliefs about God were formed If you landed here first, go read Part 1 here Most of this was researched and complied by Cynthia Pawl March 17, 2018 1st Corinthians 2:14-16 “But … Click Here to Read more

Black Magic Witch Casts Demons out of Oscar winners, Politicians and Movie Bosses?

Also read about another one: Black Magic Witch says she can help heal people from diseases including CANCER by working with demons Excerpts from the Daily Mail – The woman carrying out the ‘working’ is Rachel Stavis – the world’s only non-denominational Exorcist. The “working” is a witchcraft term that means she is Casting a … Click Here to Read more

Katheryn Hudson A.K.A. Katy Perry to Engage in a New Age Witchcraft “Soul Overhaul”

As stated in a previous article: Katheryn Hudson: The Core Personality Fighting Back! Katy Perry is an Ancestral Demon, her ONLY hope is to TURN BACK to her roots, Jesus Christ!  She has a huge problem that only Jesus Christ can Remedy!  How do you go from singing in church, to trying to make it … Click Here to Read more

The Sexual Addict Cure Hollywood Style

The Treatment? Horseback riding, practicing yoga, tai chi, acupuncture and mindless meditation is the program for curing Homosexuality and Pedophilia? NOT!!!!! With the EXCEPTION of horseback riding and maybe acupuncture, all the other crap is New Age Witchcraft and will invite in MORE demons to reinforce the Ancestral Demon that was handed down to the … Click Here to Read more

Harry Potter

Harry Potter  A new twist to Witchcraft This page is for those who seek truth about the book series Harry Potter. Many think it is just harmless fantasy. True it is fantasy, but it is laced with witchcraft and demonology as are most books like it. Many say it gets children reading books who never … Click Here to Read more

Witchcraft What is it?

Witchcraft- what is it according to Scripture? Jon Watkins   Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft Galatians 3:1 “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” When you hear the word “ Witchcraft”, what comes to mind? Is it … Click Here to Read more