All Saints Day: Roman Catholic Witchcraft

All Saints Day, once celebrated in Spring, was a Roman Catholic observance, which was later to merge with Samhain. This day that honored all the “hallowed” saints was first observed on the evening of May 13, and was known as the All hallows festival. All Saints’ Day or All Hallow’s Eve (from whence Halloween) originated … Click Here to Read more

Halloween: The Eve of the Devil Series Index

Here is a 12 part series that will hopefully convince you to NOT take part in one Satanists and Witches most holy days of the year! Also see Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal after the part 12 link below Halloween – The Eve of the Devil Halloween – The Eve of the Devil Part … Click Here to Read more

CDC Says Trick-or-Treating a High Risk Activity

I agree with the CDC that it is a risk, but NOT for the reason the say. The RISK is becoming DEMON Possessed!!! Halloween The Eve of the Devil is a 12 part series. It would behoove you to read ALL 12 parts and see WHY you should NOT participate in anyway shape or form! … Click Here to Read more

When Did Halloween Become So Sick, Twisted And Gory?

My Answer: Since the day it was first instituted by the Druids!! Anything that is attributed to the evil one and false gods has always been sick and twisted. There are NO exceptions!! Michael Snyder – Have you noticed that each year the overall tone of Halloween just continues to get darker and darker? The … Click Here to Read more

Trick or Treason: The Soros Gang Cooking up Hell

The Evil Luciferian’s conjure up the Principalities, the Powers, the Rulers of Darkness, and Spiritual Wickedness in high places as they gather around a pumpkin cauldron of death!! This is a cartoon, but it depicts what these people really do. How do you think they get away with the Crimes they commit? It is the … Click Here to Read more

Christian Witches: Departing from the Faith giving Heed to Seducing Spirits

Christian Witches Part 3 Part 1 here Part 2 here Evil seeks to maintain power by Suppressing the Truth and by leading the innocent with a Lie. The truth is no longer hidden, but now people are Hiding from the Truth! Without followers, evil can not spread In a world of lies, no one is … Click Here to Read more

Christian Witchcraft: Isn’t that an Oxymoron?

This is Part 2 in the series Christian Witches Part 1 here Definition of Oxymoron: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness) broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements Or in this case, a Christian Witch!! Lorraine Day, M.D. This writing came … Click Here to Read more

Christian Witches: The Tares among the Wheat

This is a 3 part series – Introduction Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Can there be such a Creature as a Christian Witch? Can a person who claims to be a Christian believe in and practice Witchcraft? Does the Bible in any shape, form or fashion……., condone or promote Witchcraft, Idolatry or any other … Click Here to Read more

Just in Time for Halloween 2018: Belief in Witchcraft and Satanism on the Rise

Nearly half of Brits believe demons, witches and vampires are living among them The Mirror – A study found that two thirds of Brits believe in magic while almost a third of us believe vampires are real Spookin’ ‘eck! We’re surrounded by witches, vampires and demons, according to new research. And they even masquerade as … Click Here to Read more

Season of the Witch

“It’s a celebration of the witch. You can have sexy witches, you can have scary witches, but it’s still a celebration of the witch.” “Season of the Witch”  by Donovan 1966   Read the 11 part Halloween Series beginning here. To celebrate Samhain, a Wiccan festival that falls on the evening of Oct. 31, Washington, D.C. … Click Here to Read more

Witchcraft in the Classroom

Wisconsin Teacher Placed on Leave After Using Ouija Board in Kindergarten Class MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — A public school teacher in Wisconsin has been placed on leave after using an Ouija board in her kindergarten classroom. The incident occurred at Zablocki Elementary in Milwaukee last week, although the teacher, who has not been identified, says that … Click Here to Read more