NXIVM Sex Cult Master: Some Children perfectly Happy having Sex with Adults

Recording of NXIVM co-founder final piece of evidence feds use as racketeering, sex trafficking case nears end. See more articles about this Cult here Houston Chronicle – Keith Raniere told top NXIVM disciples that some small children are “perfectly happy” having sexual experiences with adults and that it is “society” that considers it abuse, according … Click Here to Read more

Prominent Democrats are involved in Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery, and Satanism

Whistle blower tells all, claiming Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and other prominent Democrats are involved in human trafficking, sex slavery, and Satanism (Natural News) A former publicist for the infamous sex cult NXIVM has come forward as a whistleblower to tell all that he knows about the evils he witnessed while working for … Click Here to Read more

Seagram’s Heiress among 4 that were Arrested with a Connection to the NXIVM Sex Cult

Drunkenness and Sexual Perversion seem to go hand in hand. Demons come in and possess you when you put the bottle or the shot glass to your lips. Why do you think they call hard liqour “Spirits”????? Also see  NXIVM Cult Hosted Sex Parties at Richard Branson Private Island where Obama also Partied and Clinton’s … Click Here to Read more

NXIVM Cult Hosted Sex Parties at Richard Branson Private Island where Obama also Partied

Many Democrats and Obama close to Virgin billionaire. Jamie White – Members of the Hollywood sex cult NXIVM hosted seminars and lavish sex parties on Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island in a bid to recruit the billionaire, according to a whistleblower. Several members, including co-founder Nancy Salzman and ‘Smallville’ actress Allison Mack, visited Branson’s Necker … Click Here to Read more

Clinton’s and Rothschild’s Linked to the Hollywood Sex Cult NXIVM

These people has no shame at all! It is what happens when one is given over to a Reprobate Mind! I am sure there was some Homosexual and Lesbian activity taking place as well! Romans 1:26-32 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use … Click Here to Read more