Former Pfizer VP Blows Lid on Vaccine Scheme: Entirely Possible This Will Be Used for Mass Scale Depopulation

‘That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.’ Adan Salazar | Info Wars – Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon has sounded the alarm over the current vaccine scheme saying it could … Click Here to Read more

Is Bill Gates One of Satan’s HUMAN Archangels?

It would seem so!! Satan’s Archangel, Bill Gates, Is Preparing the Final Assault Upon All of Humanity Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show If this article were a court case, it would begin with a presentation of established scientific, political and economic facts. Once discovery was completed, testimony would be offered in order to demonstrate … Click Here to Read more

Dark Winter: Sinister Plan to Use a Biological Weapon Attack to Depopulate the Planet

All of this Covid-19 Lock Down Crap is just a ploy to Gaslight and Mind Control the whole planet. It is a Witchcraft Spell to bring you under control and submission—to those who believe they are gods! Covid-19 is just a trial run to get humanity conditioned to be enslaved. The frog in a pot … Click Here to Read more

Racist She Devil Oprah Winfrey Shifts Blame for #MeToo onto the General Public – Fails to Condemn Weinstein

Chris Menahan Information Liberation – MeTooism is not a Hollywood problem, even though nearly everyone involved is a part of Hollywood or the media, it’s a problem with men in general, especially “white men” who are holding women and minorities down. That’s the message from Oprah’s speech during Sunday’s Golden Globes. Before a crowd of … Click Here to Read more

British Actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey as Bait for Sex and Rape

Actress says Oprah duped her into thinking Weinstein would help her career Jamie White – Television personality Oprah Winfrey lectured America about the pervasive sexual abuse culture in Hollywood during her Golden Globes speech Sunday. What Winfrey failed to mention was her close relationship with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein, a fact British actress Kadian Noble brought … Click Here to Read more

Oprah’s World Depopulation Scheme Disqualifies her for Presidential bid

Oprah met secretly with Soros, Rockefeller to discuss population reduction Kit Daniels – Oprah Winfrey met in secret with George Soros and other billionaires to discuss a plan to depopulate the world. The 2009 meeting in Manhattan, organized by Bill Gates, was so discreet that the billionaires’ aides were told to treat it as a … Click Here to Read more

Child Sacrifice: Experts Claim Newborns can be Killed

This is the slippery slope of eugenics, euthanasia and mass murder by government David Knight | – February 11, 2017 – Oxford University’s so-called “ethicists” say that newborn babies are not “actual person”, but “potential persons”. And Planned Parenthood’s President, Cecile Richards, is urging women to embrace their abortions and boast proudly of them … Click Here to Read more

Oprah Winfrey – Devil in disguise

Oprah Winfrey is NOT a Christian in anyway, shape or form!   Also see:  Oprah’s World Depopulation Scheme Disqualifies her for Presidential bid British Actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey as Bait for Sex and Rape Racist She Devil Oprah Winfrey Shifts Blame for #MeToo onto the General Public – Fails to Condemn Weinstein Yea … Click Here to Read more