Is Bill Gates One of Satan’s HUMAN Archangels?

It would seem so!! Satan’s Archangel, Bill Gates, Is Preparing the Final Assault Upon All of Humanity Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show If this article were a court case, it would begin with a presentation of established scientific, political and economic facts. Once discovery was completed, testimony would be offered in order to demonstrate … Click Here to Read more

Dark Winter: Sinister Plan to Use a Biological Weapon Attack to Depopulate the Planet

All of this Covid-19 Lock Down Crap is just a ploy to Gaslight and Mind Control the whole planet. It is a Witchcraft Spell to bring you under control and submission—to those who believe they are gods! Covid-19 is just a trial run to get humanity conditioned to be enslaved. The frog in a pot … Click Here to Read more

Digital Mark of the Beast is Hidden in the Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine

Bill Gates Funds Invisible Quantum Tattoo Hidden In Coronavirus Vaccine For Storing Vaccination History – A project funded by Bill Gates aims to deliver an invisible quantum tattoo hidden in the coronavirus vaccine for storing your vaccination history. The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain … Click Here to Read more

Occult Number 333 in Chi-Comm Virus Testing Results

COVID Testing Scandal: 333 Labs Report 100% of People Testing Positive for Coronavirus “One of the first things I learned about the elites is that they have a code of ethics. Their code of ethics is not the same as …mine, we who believe the word of God and the Bible………one of the facets of … Click Here to Read more

More Evidence the Globalists Depopulation is in Full Swing

It’s A HUGE Clue When ALL Of Social Media Is Censoring Specific Information – So, Why Are They Playing ‘Thought Police’ To The ‘Great Culling Of 2020’? By R.X. Kendrick for All News Pipeline It’s a big CLUE when social media doesn’t want you talking about something. Take social media giants Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. … Click Here to Read more

A Global War of Good vs Evil

Also see the 3 part series: The Battle between Good and Evil By Ray Gano | – I have been doing a lot of research on Agenda 21 / 2030 and I can truly see a war of good and evil taking place. Just looking at our own nation, I could totally see a … Click Here to Read more

Feminist Athlete Promotes Anti-Family Agenda and Planet Depopulation

We need to normalize being child-free, she says Dan Lyman – A female motorsports athlete is being hailed as a new face of the depopulation agenda after becoming a member of Population Matters, a UK-based organization focused on radical environmentalism. Leilani Münter is an American race car driver and self-proclaimed “vegan hippy chick” who is … Click Here to Read more

The Luciferians Tell Us What They’re Going to Do Ahead of Time

Death By The Numbers – Do The Luciferians Tell Us What They’re Going To Do Ahead Of Time And If So, What Do They Have Planned Next? ” One of the first things I learned about the elites is that they have a code of ethics. Their code of ethics is not the same as … Click Here to Read more

Georgia Guide Stones

Part of the Demonic Guide Stones blown up on 7/6/22 Then within hours, they tare the rest of the Demonic Altar down! The evidence of what they want to do may be gone, but the LUCIFERIAN PLOT REMAINS! Who is it that wants to kill off 90% of human population? By Leo Hohmann Georgia Guidestone … Click Here to Read more