Cadbury Goes Queer

SODOM 2021: Shocking New Commercial Celebrating 50th Anniversary Of Cadbury Creme Egg Features 2 Gay Men Sharing It In Open-Mouthed Kissing Manufactures, Retailers and Super Hero’s going Queer Almost every commercial you see now has Sodomites and Lesbians swapping spit! Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Callum Sterling and Dale K Moran leaned into each other … Click Here to Read more

The Burger King and Ronald McDonald are Dating? They Come Out of the Cooler and Jump right into the Homosexual Fryer!

Just another in a long list of Icons shoving The LGBTQPXYZ perversion down everyone’s throat! Burger King Depicts Mascot in Gay Kiss with Ronald McDonald for New Ad Campaign Breitbart News – Burger King has launched a new advertising campaign in Finland featuring its eponymous mascot sharing a deep kiss with Ronald McDonald, along with … Click Here to Read more

Catastrophic Signs of the Times

Buckle up folks and heed these words!

Time for Heretic Joel Osteen to Surrender His Ordination Credentials and Leave the Ministry!

He is Pushing and Deceiving Christians, or Supposed-Christians, Into a Satanic One World Religion! He has Multi-Millions, due to his Prosperity Pimping, and can live comfortable the rest of his pathetic life. So why does he continue? To help his father Lucifer draw as many to hell with him as possible! 1st John 2:16 “For … Click Here to Read more

New Jersey Men Claim Linden Minister used Oral Sex in Exorcism Ritual

A Presbyterian minister stands accused of using oral sex in exorcism rituals on victims seeking his counseling. Editor’s note: This article contains graphic descriptions that are sexual in nature. The three individuals making the allegations have agreed to allow their names and details of the allegations from the testimonies to be published. Reader discretion is … Click Here to Read more

Reprobate Tranny’s gone Wild

‘It’s Ma’am!’ 2.0: ANOTHER Transgender Freaks Out After Being ‘Misgendered’ ****Warning for vial language on video clips and text**** Folk’s, if you want to know what it means to be given over to a Reprobate mind, this is it! It is also a good representation of Demon Possession. It is sad these people are in … Click Here to Read more

Are the Boy Scouts about to fade into Oblivion?

Mark my words, a new Scouting experience will rise. It won’t be long until they merge the Boy Scouts and  Girl Scouts, RENAMING them the TRANS_SCOUTS? That is sad because I love those Girl Scout thin mints! They will find a way to meld all those cookie into something else and screw them up too! … Click Here to Read more

Pedophile Film takes Hollywood by Storm Amid Wave of Sexual Assault Allegations

It should come as no surprise as Hellywood gives the masses what they want! American has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah! The Hellywood Hypocrites with big mouths and black hearts speak with their daddy’s forked tongue!  Corey Feldman labels film example of “child grooming” News Wars – Despite a wave of sexual assault … Click Here to Read more

University of Iowa boots Christian student group because leaders must follow Statement of Faith

A Queer dose not want to follow the rules of the group, and more important the Word of God. So, the oust the group from Campus instead of ousting the Queer from the group! Washington Times – A Christian student group that requires its leaders to pledge to uphold core values like avoiding “sexual immorality” … Click Here to Read more

Teachers Attend ‘LGGBDTTTIQQAAP’ Sensitivity Training

This Snowflake crap is getting out of hand! (Image via Reddit)   Here is some “Current and Sensitive Language” In the name of Jesus I cast out them foul alphabet demons!!! That teachers, will remove the anxiety and stress!!! Get you a KJV Bible and preach the truth to these lost souls! PJ Media – … Click Here to Read more

Power Rangers go Queer: First Gay Superhero on the Movie Screen?

Superheros in comics and cartoons have come out queer in the last couple years so it is no surprise to see them come out on the movie screen. Manufactures, Retailers and food icons have also come out queer. We have gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah and the next step is destruction! Christian, stay … Click Here to Read more