Boy Scout Leader Charged with Child Porn Possession

I would almost wager that the upper echelon was privy to this pervert and just like the Catholic Church, turning a blind eye! Breitbart News – 74-year-old James Roberts served as Sicklerville Boy Scout Troop 132’s leader for 40 years before his appalling crimes were uncovered. According to a probable cause affidavit, Roberts has already confessed … Click Here to Read more

Vampire Cult in Austin Texas Sheds some Light into a Satanic Lair

You never know what Evil is Lurking in someones Dark Heart who is Not Born Again! The Daily Mail was given a look inside a Satanic Vampire Cult that is in Austin Texas. Below are some excerpts that reveal why a person needs to be “Born Again” to be protected from these Soul Suckers. “You … Click Here to Read more

Clinton’s and Rothschild’s Linked to the Hollywood Sex Cult NXIVM

These people has no shame at all! It is what happens when one is given over to a Reprobate Mind! I am sure there was some Homosexual and Lesbian activity taking place as well! Romans 1:26-32 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use … Click Here to Read more

Street Kids International Charity Founder arrested on suspicion of Pedophilia

A United Nations adviser and the founder of Street Kids International was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia after he was caught with two young children during a police raid. TFTP  – Last week, Peter John Dalglish, United Nations adviser and founder of the Street Kids International charity, was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia, at a … Click Here to Read more

PedoGate Indictment Unsealed

73% Of Suspected Child Trafficking Reports Involved Backpage And The Trump Administration Shut Them Down By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine On April 8, 2018 ANP reported that the ad listing service Backpage, a site which facilitated sex trafficking as well as sexual exploitation and trafficking of minors,  had been seized by the U.S. … Click Here to Read more

Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children

Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Attorney Michael Dolce, from the law-firm Cohen Milstein, recently wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek stating that the nation’s foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children. Dolce, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, writes: Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who … Click Here to Read more

Horrifying Statistics in Study reveals Youngest Children Face the Worst Sex Abuse

‘We are also speaking about … babies who are just months old’ When I read this, Extreme Anger welled up in me and then overwhelming sorrow and a feeling of despair for the children! But then the Holy Spirit took over! That reader is the only thing that will keep you from loosing your mind in these … Click Here to Read more

7 Arrests in Veterans For Child Rescue Joint NGO/LEO Pedophile Sting

Please visit Veterans for Child Rescue to donate. Help them rescue Children and put more Pedophiles behind bars.   13 year old decoy confronts child sexual predator during V4CR pedophile roundup   Veterans for Child Rescue and the organization’s covert VIPR TEAM 12 conduct a coordinated operation in Paragonah, Utah code named OPERATION BLUE M&M … Click Here to Read more

Massive Child Sex Ring Busted in California and MSM is Silent

Hundreds Arrested Including Entertainers, Community Leaders and Clergy  I wonder why they are not releasing the names of the ” Entertainers, Community Leaders and Clergy “? Could it be they are protecting them yet again? This will slip into oblivion as all the others arrests do!  Codenamed “Operation Broken Heart III”, the sweeping raids targeted … Click Here to Read more

Australian Pedophile Circus School: Members Performed Satanic Sadistic Blood and Sex Rituals on three Young Boys

Excerpts the Sun UK – Members of a circus have been charged with sadistic sexual and physical torture of children. Seven members of the western Sydney circus training school were arrested over abuse of three boys under the age of eight. Four women, two men, and a teenage girl will face 127 charges relating to the … Click Here to Read more

Little Barbies is what Sex Traffickers call Girls as Young as 9

Little Barbies: Sex Trafficking of Young Girls Is America’s Dirty Little Secret “Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children They’re called the Little Barbies. John W. Whitehead – The Rutherford Institute – Children, young girls—some as young as 9 years old—are being … Click Here to Read more