The CDC is Promoting Sexual Perversion and Witchcraft to Teenagers

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is doing the opposite of what their name implies. They are actually encouraging teenagers to engage in perverted sex that spreads Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), namely Homosexuality! And on top of that, they want to further secure young souls a place in Hell by pushing Astrology and Tarot Cards … Click Here to Read more

The Suomen Sisu Symbol Meaning

This is a work In Progress so check back every couple days for updates   When you go hunting rabbits, you are usually led down several trails, or at least the rabbit dog is. If it is a really good trained hound, it will stick to just that one rabbit it is chasing. Then you … Click Here to Read more

Aleister Crowley Black Magician Dubbed The Beast

The “Greatest” Magician of the 20th Century? — by Wes Penre, Dec 29, 1998 Aleister Crowley is probably the Black Magician who is the most popular foreground figure in Hollywood and the Music Industry today. He is considered being the one who “invented” backward messages on music recordings (used by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and … Click Here to Read more

Taco Bell Goes Queer

Taco Bell Launches ‘Drag Brunch’ Events at Locations across America Want to lose weight? Go to Taco Bell and be Nauseated!!! Jay Greenberg | Neon Nettle – Taco Bell has announced its nationwide ‘Drag Brunch’ events. Men dressed in women’s clothing will ‘perform’ while customers eat Restaurant chain Taco Bell has announced its new “Drag … Click Here to Read more

Real Hellywood Vampire Cult

Megan Fox Admits Hellywood Actors Drink Human Blood In Satanic Rituals “It’s just a few drops, but yes we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only,” “It is used for a reason and it is controlled.” This is NOT Exclusive to the Ahab’s and Jezebel’s in Hellywood. In the following video, … Click Here to Read more

A Black Magick Spell Was Cast Over Disney From The Beginning

The Dark Side Of Disney – Pedophilia has been conjured up! Vile perverted demons possess and are manifesting! The long criminal history of Disney’s pedophile child predators Not only is Disney full of Pedophiles, they teach and promote the Occult… the Dark Side! The Cartoons and shows they produce are full of Satanists, Witches and … Click Here to Read more

Britney Spears Claims She Suffered Satanic Illuminati Rituals

Remember that Britney Spears was groomed by the Satanists and Pedophiles of Disney and Hellywood! Britney Spears detailed the “satanic” abuse she suffered at the hands of her “Illuminati” handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening sexual rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and MK-Ultra medical experiments. Spears described in a now-deleted Instagram post on Sunday how … Click Here to Read more

The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend

When the Globalists, Radical Leftists, Satanists, and that Sort of Ilk has got your back, you know you are on the wrong side! Proverbs 4:25-27 “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. 26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. 27 Turn … Click Here to Read more

Is There Something to Date 2/22/22 or Any Others for That Matter?

I in no way endorse or believe in occult numerology. It is witchcraft and divination and God forbids such. Deuteronomy 18:10 “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or … Click Here to Read more

Necrophilist Colby Martin killed a 64-year-old Woman to Perform Sex Acts with Her Body

Driver Killed Retired Michigan Woman for Sex Acts with Body Necrophilia is a pathological fascination with dead bodies, which often takes the form of a desire to engage with them in sexual activities, such as intercourse. Though prohibited by the laws of many countries, there have been many reported cases of necrophilia throughout history. Source … Click Here to Read more

The Age of Aquarius Part 3 – Space Cadets

The saying “The World is going to Hell in a hand basket” is more true today than any other time in history…, IMHO! Technology has, and is, making it easier to tap into the Occult via that internet, mainly being spread by Social Media. See parts One and Two in the following posts Is the … Click Here to Read more