Devils Disciples in the Pews: Thieves Go to Church but Only to Prey!

78-year-old woman robbed while praying in church Let us Prey! Granny, or anyone else for that matter, is NOT Safe even in the House of the Lord! Matthew 21:13 “And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” See … Click Here to Read more

Tree Hugging Pagan Cult Approved For Whites Only Church

Minnesota Town Approves Whites Only Church The media seems to be spinning this as a Christian Church. IT IS NOT! What they are is a Pagan Cult who worship many false gods! If you Identify as a Christian, there should be NO SUCH THING as “White church”, “Black church”, “Hispanic church”, “ Catholic church”, “Mormon … Click Here to Read more

Proof there are Very Dark Forces behind Black Lives Matter

“Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed Alex Newman | The New American – There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it’s not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them to work through BLM … Click Here to Read more

Hypocrite Racist Oprah Winfrey

New Age Pedophile Witch Oprah Winfrey Bashing White People during her Racist show, on a Pure WHITE set—with Pure WHITE furniture—wearing Pure WHITE pants! This is nothing compared to what you will learn about this Wicked Jezebel in another article. She is a full blown Pedophile who is into child sacrifice! “Whites have a leg … Click Here to Read more

Domestic Terrorist Giant Yahoo: Pushes to Replace the Star-Spangled Banner with Satanist John Lennon’s Socialism Song Imagine

Yahoo is an evil organization that hates America and God! They want Lennon’s song to replace the National Anthem because the Communists want people to forget God, remove him from their minds and society! Imagine that! Pun intended! More on Lennon, the Beatles and their hero, Aleister Crowley the master Satanist after this quick news. … Click Here to Read more

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are Following the Satanic Creed: ‘Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law’

Romans 12:17-21 “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will … Click Here to Read more

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are Following the Satanic Creed: ‘Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law’ Part 2

When are the Communists going to get around to Burning Churches and Banning the Bible? Matthew 10:21-22 “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. 22 And ye shall be hated … Click Here to Read more

New Age Witch Oprah Winfrey Leads a Black Lives Matters Ransom Summit With List of Demands for America

I am not going to post the video of the Racists idiocy. I am sure YouTube will have them prominently displayed. What I will post is this blasphemous Witch’s comments about Jesus and wanting white people to die below. She was joined by far-left Democrat Jezebels like Fat Ass, Big Mouth Stacey Abrams and Atlanta … Click Here to Read more

Cheshire Cat Marches with the Communists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa

Joel Osteen Joins Paula White, Tony Evans And Other High-Level Laodicean Church Hirelings To March In Solidarity With Black Lives Matter Joel Osteen — a fake pastor and pretend Christian — has, however, been spotted marching along with these hooligans in the streets of Houston, TX, where his multi-million dollar enterprise is headquartered. Almost exactly … Click Here to Read more

One Brown Corn Pop is Racist, but its OK if Tony is a Queer Tiger!

Kellogg’s is a sinking ship, akin to the titanic,  after choosing the Communist Democrat Platform and attacking President Trump. It has been a soggy slide for the once Crispy Crunchy Company since Breitbart News took on the Cereal giant. No one, (except a few of us Real Christians) said anything when the Icon of Kellogg’s … Click Here to Read more